Highlights Inklings Week in Oxford 2016

Highlights Inklings OXFORD 2016
Most of you are aware that last month (July, 2016) there was an event in England called “An Inklings Week in Oxford.” It was hosted by the Inklings Fellowship. There were 10 plenary talks (one hour), five “second breakfast” speakers (thirty minutes) and also each morning during morning worship there was someone sharing to help put the day in focus. Obviously it would be too large of a task to highlight all of that, so what follows is a podcast that shares short excerpts from talks most related to Lewis or his works. As noted in the introduction the purpose of this show is to remind those who attend what it was like and to let others know what they missed so they will consider attending the next one in 2019! All talks shared today were given at St. Giles Church in Oxford. 


Listen to Highlights Inklings Week in Oxford 2016
