Bilbo’s Journey (Dr. Joseph Pearce) 2016r

Here’s another show first released in 201bilbos-journey3, but not available again until now because I changed where my podcast audio is hosted. It’s a book interview about that’s mostly indirectly related to Lewis. Dr. Joseph Pearce has written about Lewis, but this conversation focuses on a book he wrote about The Hobbit (a title that Lewis enjoyed greatly). It’s called Bilbo’s Journey: Discovering the Hidden Meaning of The Hobbit. At the time I first released the interview only the first of three Hobbit movies had been on the big screen. He shares a few thoughts on that debut effort, along with some views about why Lewis is popular fifty years after his death. Dr. Pearce is Writer in Residence and Visiting Fellow at Thomas More College of Liberal Arts in Merrmack, New Hampshire and the author of C.S. Lewis and the Catholic Church. 


Listen to “Bilbo’s Journey” Interview 2016r
