90 Seconds SPECIAL – C. S. Lewis & Friends Colloquium 2020 (YouTube Channel)

Here’s a special edition of “90 Seconds to Knowing C.S. Lewis” (it’s the same length, but not about Lewis himself).

Note the text version of the show is below!

C.S. Lewis & Friends Colloquium 2020

This time I’m giving you a brief glimpse of an event held every TWO years; it’s the Taylor University C.S. Lewis and Friends Colloquium in Upland, IN…
at time of this recording the next is in JUNE 2020…

So, while this video is focused on that upcoming event, you can follow the link in the description below to find out about the next one, and there are also links to highlights from previous gatherings.

This event is sponsored by Taylor University’s Center for the Study of C. S. Lewis & Friends and is so much more than just an academic conference. While there are keynote addresses from top scholars in the field of studies on C.S. Lewis and others, like J.R.R. Tolkien and Charles Williams, and there is an opportunity to hear short papers presented on these and related subjects, many who attend are just fans of these writers.

The theme for the 2020 event is “Are Women Human (Yet)? Gender and the Inklings. There are seven keynote speakers, including, Jane Chance, Diana Glyer, Charles Huttar and Don W. King.

When attending, most chose the on-campus lodging option because the days usually start early and there are often informal gatherings at the end of the day.

Again, be sure to follow the link below to learn more and remember the event is every two years.

C.S. Lewis & Friends Colloquium is held every TWO years in Upland, Indiana. The next is June 2020.

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For more information visit:

To register FOR 2020 EVENT visit:

General Link to Lewis & Friends:

Taylor Colloquium Keynote Highlights 2018 – pt. 1 of 3

Taylor Colloquium Keynote Highlights 2018 – pt. 2 of 3

Taylor Colloquium Keynote Highlights 2018 – pt. 3 of 3

Keynote Highlights Taylor Colloquium 2016

The Misquotable C.S. Lewis