[PODCAST] After Humanity (Dr. Michael Ward)

The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis is often an overlooked book despite it being one of his shortest. In this podcast, you’ll hear Dr. Michael Ward interviewed about his new title (2021) that aims to help you understand and appreciate this classic book by Lewis. After Humanity first provides useful background information about this …

/re-post/ C. S. Lewis at Poets’ Corner [book] (Michael Ward)

Back in 2013 there were several events to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of C.S. Lewis. The key celebrations of his life were held in England and centered around a special event known as C.S. Lewis at Poets’ Corner. Now a book has been released sharing the updated transcripts of the talks, the …

C. S. Lewis at Poets’ Corner [book] (Michael Ward)

Back in 2013 there were several events to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of C.S. Lewis. The key celebrations of his life were held in England and centered around a special event known as C.S. Lewis at Poets’ Corner. Now a book has been released sharing the updated transcripts of the talks, the …

07r Essay Chat – Myth Became Fact (with Dr. Michael Ward)

“Myth Became Fact” was the seven essay chat I produced back in 2012. Although not directly related to Easter, it does touch on some aspects of it. I had the pleasure of catching up with Dr. Michael Ward, author of The Narnia Code and other books for this discussion. Note that we had some recording problems and the audio quality unfortunately didn’t come out as well as hoped. The essay is best found in God in the Dock.
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Poets’ Corner Memorial (Dr. Michael Ward)

As previously mentioned there are plans to place a memorial stone at Poets’ Corner to honor C.S. Lewis on November 22, 2013. The following is an interview with Dr. Michael Ward about that event, which includes a brief conference. Listen to “Poets’ Corner Memorial” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Visit Lewis in Poets’ Corner Website Hear Dr. Ward Discuss The Narnia Code …

Narnia Code (Single Interview w/ Dr. Ward) 2015r

Dr. Michael Ward’s name was virtually unknown ten years ago. Today he’s considered one of the top C.S. Lewis scholars and that’s because of his landmark work Planet Narnia and the sequel that adapts that material, The Narnia Code. This latter book was actually first a TV special on the BBC before coming out on DVD. William O’Flaherty …

The Narnia Code (Single Interview w/ Dr. Ward)

The following is a repeat of my single interview I did with Dr. Michael Ward two years about The Narnia Code. This chat also gives a good general introduction to Planet Narnia and the DVD also called The Narnia Code. He will be one of the special guest at the 2014 Taylor Colloquium.
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C.S. Lewis Symposium – YouTube Videos (Peter Byrom)

On my Resource Spotlight section I recently highlighted three videos from the C.S. Lewis Symposium that were filmed last year and just uploaded to YouTube. I had the chance to speak with Peter Byrom from Christian Evidence about these videos. Peter did the editing of them and gives a short summary of each, along with other details related to the videos. These three videos features a lecture by Dr. Alister McGrath, Dr. Malcolm Guite and panel discussion lead by Dr. Michael Ward.

Taylor Colloquium 2014 (REPEAT)

The following is a conversation I had with Dr. Pamela Jordan-Long from Taylor University about the 2014 C.S. Lewis Colloquium being held on campus May 29-June 1. She also gives some details about their C.S. Lewis Center which has a wide range of books from him and several other authors. The featured speakers include Dr. Michael Ward and Dr. Bruce Edwards who have been on previous All About Jack shows.

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(Click “Read More” to Listen to this Interview)